Any engineer involved with portable or handheld products knows that minimizing power consumption is an...
Moving Forward With Bluetooth Low Energy
Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) may not be part of your electronic designs just yet, but chances are it...
Supercapacitors as a Long-Life Solution in Battery Powered Applications
Using electrostatic technologies in supercapacitors rather than the electrochemical technology of battery...
Ensuring Reliability of Portable Device Power
Today's array of coin cell holders is hardly up to the challenges presented by the ever-increasing array...
Increased safety and longer battery life for standalone devices
The range of battery-powered devices extends from powerful hand tools for craftsmen, to sensors for room...
Ultracapacitor Usage in Wind Turbine Pitch Control Systems
As the costs for electricity generated by renewables such as wind and solar decrease and ultimately reach...
Increase Rack Cooling Efficiency and Solve Heat-Related Problems
Low-Cost and No-Cost Cooling Best Practices Provide Exceptional ROI for Small to Mid-Size Data Centers Cooling...
Balancing act
Lithium-ion batteries, like other battery types, are subject to a process of wear and tear during charging...
Power supply control loop response measurements
To ensure the stability of voltage regulators and switched mode power supplies, the control loop behaviour...
From Detection to Treatment
Oncology is a field where high-end motorization is essential. Equipment is getting continuously more...
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