Latest Whitepapers
LGA80D Digital DC-DC Converter Module
The LGA80D from Artesyn Embedded Technologies is the first DC-DC converter module of its kind on the...
Redefining the Role of the RTOS
The world of embedded systems is undergoing a profound evolution. Once isolated and purpose-built, embedded...
Challenges in True Wireless Audio Systems
The audio market for wireless Bluetooth headsets is growing rapidly. People have gotten used to wireless...
White residue remaining after cleaning circuit board assemblies can be caused by a variety of chemicals...
Front-end technology takes on data center power
Today's front-end power supplies are using innovative designs and enhanced thermal management techniques...
Flash Corruption: Software Bug or Supply Voltage Fault?
Flash memory is commonly used to store firmware in embedded systems. Occasionally, the firmware stored...
Five Key Elements for Effective IIoT Implementation
Industrial automation exists within a broader technological framework and has benefitted from advances...
Fundamentals of Building a Test System
Most organizations do not consider production test a top priority, but it is a necessity to prevent major...
Loop Gain Digital Redesign
Two methods can be used to re-design loop-gain digitally for the power supply converters: digital redesign...
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