
Lead-free Wave Soldering
As lead-free gains momentum, many engineers are striving to set-up a wave solder process that maintains...

Energy Efficiency of Component Power Supplies
Whilst it is easy to discuss Energy Star and energy efficiency (meaning active efficiency and no load...

Dental X-ray
High image resolution is essential in both dental panoramic and intraoral radiography for investigating...

IEEE Reliability Society
This annual technology report of the IEEE Reliability Society is based on material submitted by the technical...

eGaN® FET Small Signal RF Performance
Even though the eGaN FET was designed and optimized as a power-switching device, it also exhibits good...

How System Flow Affects Fan Sink Performance
Cooling fans consist of an aggregate of airfoils, i.e. blades positioned around a hub that is driven...

Medical Display
Medical displays specialize in reproducing clear images with high brightness and contrast while maintaining...

The Efficiency Challenge
With the digital expansion over the past few decades, new requirements for data centers to store, transmit,...

eGaN® FET Drivers and Layout Considerations
When considering gate drive requirements, the three most important parameters for eGaN FETs are (1) the...
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