
Factorized Power Architecture and VI BRICKs
As electronic systems continue to trend toward lower voltages with higher currents and as the speed of...

Computer-on-Module: selecting the right form factor and processor
When it comes to Computer-on-Module (COM) solutions for embedded computing applications, selecting the...

XMOS Timing Analyzer Whitepaper
To guarantee the correct behavior of real-time software running on embedded processors can pose a significant...

The PI33XX: Zero-Voltage Switching Applied to Buck Regulation
The Picor PI33XX Cool-Power® ZVS Buck Regulator Series delivers maximum power density and high effi...

Low-Voltage Energy Harvesting
Over the past few years, the technology of energy harvesting has emerged from the laboratory to the marketplace....

Key Considerations for Powertrain HIL Test
Safety, availability, and cost considerations can make performing thorough tests of embedded control...

SynJet: Low-Power “Green” Cooling
The realities of finite petroleum resources and growing global energy needs along with the confidence...

The Benefits of Using Digital Power Modules
Digital power is one of the most important technologies for reducing power consumption and managing the...

MEMS Timing-Keeper Extends Standby Life of Mobile Devices
With increasingly sophisticated Smartphones and mobile devices offering more features and un-tethered...

Fundamentals of Building a Test System
Most organizations do not consider production test a top priority, but it is a necessity to prevent major...
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