From Prototype to Post Deployment: Linux Decision Points
Developing embedded solutions can be a journey. Not all applications start at the same place in the journey...
Tips and Tricks on How to Verify Control Loop Stability
In a design of a modern switch-mode power supplies (SMPS), the designer has to ensure that the converter...
eGaN® FET Small Signal RF Performance
Even though the eGaN FET was designed and optimized as a power-switching device, it also exhibits good...
Realtime Deembedding with the R&S®RTP
Deembedding, often a necessary and complex task, is made easier with an integrated hardware and software...
Improve DC-DC Forward Converter Efficiency with eGaN FETs
DC-DC converter designers can achieve higher power density at lower power levels by using forward converters...
Energy Harvesting for a Greener Environment
Energy Harvesting (EH) is the process of electronically capturing and accumulating energy from a variety...
High performance resistors for custom power supplies
The subject of power supplies is potentially very broad and the application of resistors in power supplies...
Time Domain Measurements using Vector Network Analyzer ZNA
Vector Network Analyzers of RohdeandSchwarz family are able to measure magnitude and phase of complex...
Ultra Low Noise Amplifiers
This white paper describes the performance and characteristics of two new ultra low noise LNAs from Skyworks....
dB or not dB?
True or false: 30 dBm + 30 dBm = 60 dBm? Why does 1% work out to be -40 dB one time but then 0.1 dB or...
Keep Accurate Track of Time and Temperature while Saving Power
When you think of temperature monitoring and critical components survey on a PCBA you may not think of...
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