Fundamentals of Building a Test System
Most organizations do not consider production test a top priority, but it is a necessity to prevent major quality issues in the products that represent the company brand in the hands of customers.
The costs, however, can be significant and are often greatly misunderstood, especially when there's no easy way to quantify the positive business impact of high-quality products or shortened time to market. But best-in-class organizations are unfazed by this “necessary evil” viewpoint, because they seek to understand the total cost of developing, deploying, and maintaining test systems to get ahead of this perception. And the cost of automated test, in reality, is far more complex than the capital cost of a test rack or even the operator's hourly rate.
In this guide, learn about the tools and insight you need to evaluate your test organization, propose changes where significant cost savings are available, and improve the profitability of your company year over year with smarter investment decisions.
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Related Categories: Analog, Automated test equipment, Automotive, Batteries, Boundary scan equipment, Capacitors, Communication, Components, Connectors, Electromechanical, Embedded, Field-test equipment, Inductors, Laboratory/bench equipment, Power, Processors, Relays, Resistors, Semiconductors, Switches, Test & Measurement, Test probes and pins, Test software, Wireless testing

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